Sunday December 29 We will only have one service on this Sunday at 10:30 am Mark your calendars!


Short devotional studies from the MBC Elders.

These devotionals delve into the profound themes of generosity, wealth, and heartfelt giving from a biblical perspective. Through scriptural insights and reflective questions, it seeks to guide believers in understanding God's perspective on wealth and the transformative power of genuine generosity. The devotionals aim to challenge and inspire individuals to align their financial practices with their faith, emphasizing the eternal significance of investing in God's kingdom. Through these teachings, the church hopes to cultivate a community rooted in godly stewardship and abundant grace.

Committing with Purpose

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

At our church, we are embarking on an impactful journey, and we invite you to be a part of it. Instead of applying pressure or creating a sense of obligation, we want you to be led purely by your heart and God's guidance. Take a moment, pray, and let the Spirit guide your decision.

Pledge Your Support

If you've felt the calling, you can make a pledge of support for the next three years. This is an expression of your intention and helps us anticipate the resources we'll have for our mission.

Immediate Contribution

Some of you might feel led to begin your support immediately. If that's where your heart is, we welcome your contribution today. Remember, it's all about what feels right for you and your journey with God.